Why I lost faith in science

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I stuck this in politics because more and more nowadays we see a blind faith by the uneducated general population in things that they are told are "proven" in science. Evolution, climate change, gender identification, Kung Flu policy, vaccinations and on and on and on.

Hossenfelder's background: "Hossenfelder received an undergraduate degree in Mathematics in 1997 from the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt am Main.[5] In 2004 she completed a doctorate in theoretical physics from the same institution with a thesis titled Schwarze Löcher in Extra-Dimensionen: Eigenschaften und Nachweis[6][7] (she published a paper in the same year with a similar title in the journal Physics Letters B in English, titled "Black Hole Relics in Large Extra Dimensions"[8])."


Bradley D

Well-known member

Right Divider

Body part
Science changes!

The accepted views of science knowledge can change over time. Changes can result from new science observations, but can also be affected by social, political or religious convictions. To develop a deeper understanding, students need to investigate the context of the time in which science ideas were developed.

How science ideas change over time

https://scienceonline.tki.org.nz › Nature-of-science › How...
What this also means is that some things that are considered "scientific facts" are later found to be completely false.

way 2 go

Well-known member
I stuck this in politics because more and more nowadays we see a blind faith by the uneducated general population in things that they are told are "proven" in science. Evolution, climate change, gender identification, Kung Flu policy, vaccinations and on and on and on.

Hossenfelder's background: "Hossenfelder received an undergraduate degree in Mathematics in 1997 from the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt am Main.[5] In 2004 she completed a doctorate in theoretical physics from the same institution with a thesis titled Schwarze Löcher in Extra-Dimensionen: Eigenschaften und Nachweis[6][7] (she published a paper in the same year with a similar title in the journal Physics Letters B in English, titled "Black Hole Relics in Large Extra Dimensions"[8])."

this is how we have the imperial college getting the predicted number of deaths from wuflu (intentionally)
so wrong

climate models are always 10 years out , and always wrong

only difference is they monetized this bunk $cience


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond