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  • Hi, just added to your UFO thread :) happy to jump back into dialogues here, been away awhile...old veteran here, been busy elsewhere but thought to chime in a bit here,.....glad to have found your thread. See my recent posts in the Urantia Book thread and Lucifer subject as well :)
    Hi UN,

    I right-clicked over your profile image to do an image search, because I was mildly curious to learn, if I might, who that fellow is (if he happens to be someone of any historical note), and the little pop-up window in my browser gave me an option, "Ask Bing about this picture". So, I clicked that, and it gave me six images/links to some guy named Swami Sri Yukteswar, who looks nothing like the guy in your picture, other than some white hair and swarthy skin. Computer/Internet fails like that occasionally make me laugh a little.

    By the way, your recent post in the "UFO" forum, with that image of the blonde "space man", and what you said about it, somehow strikes me as kind of interesting. Very similar artwork to stuff I've seen over the years when, from time to time, reading about occultism. Sure enough, I looked up that fruitcake-looking "Ashtar" guy, and glanced through the Wikipedia entry, and noticed mention of "theosophy". Kind of bizarre, maybe a bit spooky, stuff, in my view.

    BTW, in that post, you also mentioned the Hollywood/sci-fi "grey alien" image. Years ago, I happened to watch the movie, "The Mothman Prophecies", and I was fairly intrigued when I happened to notice the "grey alien" split-second cameo in an angrily swung mirror. Pretty creepy scene.
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