Recent content by ttruscott

  1. ttruscott

    ECT Are we born sinless? Pelagianism and semi-pelagianism

    Do angels come here to die? GOD's angels are both holy (sinless) and elect (chosen by their faith in HIM to save them if they should ever fall into sin): 1 Timothy 5:21, Mark 8:38 - they do not die. Death as the wages of sin proves that it is only sinners who are liable to the natural and...
  2. ttruscott

    ECT Are we born sinless? Pelagianism and semi-pelagianism

    You cannot separate love from patience: 1 Corinthians 13:4 Love is patient, that is, HIS patience is as perfect as HIS love. Pelagianism is basically universal salvation. IF GOD can save someone, HE will save them since HIS Love is perfect. We became sinners against HIS will; HE saves us...
  3. ttruscott

    ECT Are we born sinless? Pelagianism and semi-pelagianism

    ImCo, Death is the wages for sin, NOT the consequence of life...except for our Christ. To be liable for the consequences for sin, one must be a sinner...except for our Christ. People of every age from the zygote on, die. Ergo, only sinners are born into this world. Sin can only accrue to a...
  4. ttruscott

    Jacob and Esau, two brothers, yet different nations; (Gen 25:19-28:9)

    Thanks for your input but how does denying replacement theology relate to the op or to my questions, post #2?
  5. ttruscott

    How did Christians fail the man who killed the UnitedHealth CEO?

    No man, it was the church that got lost, not Christianity....
  6. ttruscott

    Jacob and Esau, two brothers, yet different nations; (Gen 25:19-28:9)

    Good morning, yes, I agree it was a battle and not the natural repositioning of the twins in a tight space as the verb ratsats, to crush each other to pieces, implying murderous intent, so clearly tells us. But because no modern theology even tries to explain how the twins knew of this prophecy...
  7. ttruscott

    Understanding God’s election

    No guess my meaning wrongly in this interpretation. Men do not generally present themselves before GOD except Paul who went to heaven and learned things he could not tell us about...unless they are elect who have died and have gone to be with HIM. Unlike the garden story which...
  8. ttruscott

    Understanding God’s election

    Either way I think that ALL people existed as spirits (not men) before your interpretation of the bible says they existed: Berean Standard Bible about the creation of the physical universe: Job 38:7 while the morning stars sang together and ALL the sons of God shouted for joy? All the sons of...
  9. ttruscott

    Understanding God’s election

    Calvinism says they are doomed by the whim of GOD...I contend they were self doomed by their own free will rejection of YHWH's gospel claims to be our LORD GOD and only saviour from sin. That we both understand that since our election and reprobation was before the foundation of the world...
  10. ttruscott

    Understanding God’s election

    We all became sinners by our own free will decision to sin against HIM...does that sound like Calvinism? On earth, elect sinners live lives that are firmly within the theological scope of Hebrews 12:5-11 and Matt 13:27-30...
  11. ttruscott

    Understanding God’s election

    Our LIVES started when we were sown, not created, into this world, Matt 13:26-39, but our EXISTENCE started before the foundation of the world which ALL the sons of GOD witnessed, Job 38:7, after we had each committed to faith in HIM as our LORD and saviour or in the complete rejection of HIM as...
  12. ttruscott

    Understanding God’s election

    I agree that our election and the reprobation of others was before the foundation of the world but I totally disagree with the op's reasons for the election of some and not others... We chose our own FATE by faith while our LIVES are predetermined by GOD to bring us to the fulfillment of our...
  13. ttruscott

    The Breath of Life

    Yes... These stars are named as all the sons of GOD... if your definition does not agree with this then something is wrong, neh? Are you a son of GOD? Then you are probably within this meaning as defined by this verse, an angelic spirit person who is later sown into the world of mankind.
  14. ttruscott

    The Breath of Life

    You are using other parables to define this one...ano-no when the answer to what the word seeds refers to is explained right here: the good seeds are the sons of, the people of the kingdom (ie, the elect?) and the tares are the sons of, the people of the evil one. No need to go elsewhere...
  15. ttruscott

    The Breath of Life

    I do think angels are alive but they do not have physical bodies so I interpret GOD breathing life into the body of dust as HIM filling the body of dust with the already living spirits of Adam and Eve by HIS breath, not just magicing a dead substance into a living substance. It is the already...