This Charming Manc

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  • Gotcha. I moved to Amyraldian for a number of years but similarly from where you are. Thank for taking a moment.
    Dear This Charming Manc,
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope this doesn't get to you too late, but it will probably be a belated Birthday wish. I just got on the computer and saw that it was your Birth Day. I hope you had cake!! And ice cream! And balloons. We still do all of that for our immediate family. My sister and nephew, and his significant other. Her name is Tori.

    God Bless You Tons For The Year To Come, Brother!!
    There's no doubt Obama was dealt a bad hand to work with. I believe he could have done better though. Just like Bush, he picked bad advisors to rely upon. But to be fair, it was a bad hand to start with.

    Thank you for the positive rep.

    God bless.
    :chuckle: Oh my. I really do like you and agree with you on most issues, just not the gun or DP issue. I think you, as well as many others, mean well, however, there is still the other issue of self protection that cannot be satisfactorily addressed.
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