'85 model Austrian female.
Languages, music, history, and, most importantly, coffee!
- Birthday
Feb 11, 1985
(Age: 39)
- Website
- Location
- Occupation
Basically, I am a glorified secretary. In a snappy uniform.
- Religious Affiliation
- Political Spectrum
More right than left
- Slogan or motto
Honor is a dead word to the blindly loyal.
- A little bit more about me
I'd probably prefer that you didn't think of me as a friend, for I don't know if I could accept responsibility for that, but I love you no less.
- Are you a robot?
"So as not to exchange one evil for another, this poor land must be saved from the scourge of friend and foe alike." - Friedrich Schiller
Posting ability officially rated "pretty good" by Delmar.