Born at Weeahproinah, in the beautiful Otway ranges of south-eastern Australia. Worked in libraries, schools, and the Church for many years. Currently under-employed. Gay, celibate, and single
A gardener, a reader, a student of Church history, make or modify all my own clothes. Fascinated by architecture, especially C.R. Mackintosh and W. Burley-Griffin. An occasional musician, both in Church and the recording studio.
- Birthday
Mar 22, 1954
(Age: 70)
- Location
Sydney, Australia. Specifically in the Municipalit
- Occupation
Now a jobbing gardener. Formerly librarian, teacher, and clergyman.
- Religious Affiliation
Christian (Other)
- Political Spectrum
Left Winger
- Slogan or motto
sursum corda
- A little bit more about me
Religious: Currently worshipping as a Catholic, but came through Presbyterianism (the Calvinistic variety) and Episcopalian (the Anglican high Church variety) along the way, with a fondness for Hindu deities.
Political: Allegiances in this area vary a lot