Raised Lutheran, became Agnostic, now I'm simply Christian. Married to an awesome woman. Have 3 little boys I'm terribly proud of. Living in Michigan near Grand Rapids.
Music, Cooking, Building Things, Hobby Farming
- Location
- Occupation
Information Technology Specialist
- Religious Affiliation
- Political Spectrum
Right Winger
- Slogan or motto
"You have baggage. Why? It was nailed to the cross. Leave it there."
- A little bit more about me
I am a Midwest-born American, a reborn Christian, and a TOL-born Open Theist.
I'm proud of my God and Savior. I'm an advocate for the foundational truth of the free choice of the will and a non-contradictory reality.
Make good choices!
2 Corinthians 10:5 -- casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ