Idolater's latest activity

  • Idolater
    Idolater replied to the thread Maunday Thursday.
    15 Nisan along with it being the first day of the feast of Unleavened Bread is also a Sabbath, because it fell on a Saturday. So it's...
  • Idolater
    Idolater replied to the thread Seth Moulton.
    Another aspiring Democrat has fallen.
  • Idolater
    If we're not to take the Bible so seriously, then what do you propose instead, in order that we can discern His will and His Word to and...
  • Idolater
    Idolater replied to the thread Maunday Thursday.
    We formally recognize days as starting at midnight, we practically consider them to start at dawn. The ancient Levant practically...
  • Idolater
    Idolater replied to the thread Maunday Thursday.
    Maundy Thursday uses our nomenclature, our timeline. Dusk, sundown, is still called the same day until midnight, so the day we call...
  • Idolater
    Idolater replied to the thread Welcome to Lent..
    God loves a cheerful giver. Lent is about cheerful giving, not grudging giving or giving because you have to give.
  • Idolater
    Idolater replied to the thread Is Faith Without Works Dead?.
    I don't deny any of His words. Those are all called corporal acts of mercy. And we should understand He and Paul do not conflict: $$...
  • Idolater
    Idolater replied to the thread Maunday Thursday.
    I still don't get it. The two Sabbaths are the standard Saturday Sabbath, plus First Fruits, which always follows the first standard...
  • Idolater
    Idolater replied to the thread Is Faith Without Works Dead?.
    I believe OSAS basically. I mean you'll say maybe what about 2nd Timothy 2:13? But look: $$ 2Ti 2:12 If we suffer, we shall also...
  • Idolater
    Idolater replied to the thread Are Tattoos Sinful?.
    Depends what they are. obv xorn or blasphemy are a problem.
  • Idolater
    Idolater replied to the thread Ukraine Crisis.
    Playing the role of Churchill this time around is President Trump. Let's see if Churchill can prevail upon the parties to prevent the...
  • Idolater
    Idolater reacted to Right Divider's post in the thread A little comedy break.... with Like Like.
  • Idolater
    Idolater reacted to Nick M's post in the thread Welcome to Lent. with Like Like.
    I am for traditions, including man-made. Provided it doesn't pervert the gospel. Paul said 16 So let no one judge you in food or in...
  • Idolater
    Idolater replied to the thread Ukraine Crisis. “Regarding the agreement on minerals and...
  • Idolater
    Idolater reacted to ok doser's post in the thread Ukraine Crisis with Like Like.
    What's your solution? How do you force Putin out of eastern Ukraine without sparking a nuclear exchange and world war III?