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  • Just a nudge, but when you want to put a huge, page stretching graphic up you should consider using spoiler tags. It's like quote, but you type in
    on one end and [/ spoiler] on the other and then anyone who wants to look can and it doesn't sit there making half the folks trying to read a post mad.
    The bold bluntness of my posts is a teaching style, under grace of God. Under grace of God, every one is given a unique way to reach others. It is nothing personal.

    I have heard it said that the Lord Jesus Christ was a radical, yet he was under grace of God. He was given to be, as he was, under grace of God for very good reason.

    In fact you said:
    1. All you need is Love.
    2. I'm am disappointed with humans.

    I can identify fully with the above if we have the same ideas about what is love and the purpose of love. And if your disappointment with humans is their unwillingness to recognize the absolute supremacy of love.

    . . . please start a related thread.

    Kindest regards,
    Hello,....I've just been a student of some schools within Hinduism (Sanatana Dharma) and used to coordinate our Hinduism thread here in the 'Religion' section, but it got deleted in the last system purge upgrade as all older threads past a certain date got 'purged'. My interest is mostly in Advaita Vedanta (non-duality) and non-dualism in general covering most all religious traditions, but for the most part very eclectic here.
    Welcome to TOL!

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    AMR[/coWelcome to TOL!

    When and if you have the time, shown below are links to a couple of discussion topics that you may find interesting:


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