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  • glorydaz
    glorydaz replied to the thread explain Phil 3:11 ?.
    I don’t think there is any basis for that creed. It just doesn’t fit with any verse I‘ve seen.
  • glorydaz
    glorydaz reacted to Derf's post in the thread explain Phil 3:11 ? with Like Like.
    No, not if it appears after the apostles are all dead.
  • glorydaz
    glorydaz reacted to Derf's post in the thread explain Phil 3:11 ? with Like Like.
    Not a single verse. But if God enlivened us by His breath at the beginning, then it seems probable that it is required after death (in...
  • glorydaz
    glorydaz replied to the thread explain Phil 3:11 ?.
    Oh yes. Excellent catch there with the Ezekiel quotes. I found this one, but you beat me to it. Ezekiel 37: 9 Then said he unto me...
  • glorydaz
    glorydaz reacted to Derf's post in the thread explain Phil 3:11 ? with Like Like.
    If they are unbelieving, then they are unbelieving. If they are testing their faith, then they aren't unbelieving.
  • glorydaz
    glorydaz reacted to Lon's post in the thread The Joys of Catholicism with Like Like.
    See? You are so caught up in the physical. It saddens me. You are missing it brother! I know emotional. It is no bad thing...
  • glorydaz
    glorydaz replied to the thread Paul Taught the Kingdom of God.
    I knew you’d go running to Grace Ambassadors, and I knew they would deny and twist. A plain reading of scripture is better for the...
  • glorydaz
    glorydaz replied to the thread The Joys of Catholicism.
    I don’t think they understand that eating the bread means reading the word of God, and being nourished in the spirit by that reading of...
  • glorydaz
    glorydaz reacted to Idolater's post in the thread explain Phil 3:11 ? with Like Like.
    And now throw in the diabolic. The diabolic's been trying to deceive us since the Garden of Eden.
  • glorydaz
    You’d do better to point out what the Holy Spirit is able to accomplish in your life. If done in your own efforts, your works will be...
  • glorydaz
    glorydaz replied to the thread explain Phil 3:11 ?.
    Well, ya gotta admit we humans are quite capable of pulling the wool over our own eyes. 😉
  • glorydaz
    glorydaz reacted to Idolater's post in the thread explain Phil 3:11 ? with Haha Haha.
    You might not think you believe anymore—but maybe you still do. Maybe you're just trying to steel man unbelief—maybe you're just an...
  • glorydaz
    Nope, I was just showing you that Paul is not including believers in that list. Such were some of you…. 1 Cor. 6:11 And such were some...
  • glorydaz
    The word unrighteous rules out believers. We have been washed in the blood of the Lamb. 😊
  • glorydaz
    glorydaz reacted to Derf's post in the thread Is Faith Without Works Dead? with Like Like.
    You don't think Rom 9 is talking about how Israel had despised the whole purpose of being the chosen people by rejecting Jesus as their...