Smart, witty, slightly abrasive, good heart, big mouth and killer abs! (well, still working on the abs).
Lively debates on anonymous message boards, feeding trolls. I also love basketball, coaching and watching my kids play. I love to golf, ski, and cook.
- Location
Washed Armpits is Dressy, USA
- Religious Affiliation
- Political Spectrum
More right than left
- Slogan or motto
"I've learned love is like a brick you can, build a house or sink a dead body".
- A little bit more about me
Religious - I run between Calvinism and Ariminianism.
Politics - Gagafied Repo Conservative
Philosophical - Let the World Die! People are annoying! God loves you.
"Jesus is my virture, but Judas is the demon i cling too.." - Lady Gaga