Derf's latest activity

  • Derf
    Derf reacted to Idolater's post in the thread Maunday Thursday with Like Like.
    Do you think Palm Sunday was 10 Nisan? Also the following is probably what you mean by "timeline ... from the gospel of John ...
  • Derf
    Derf reacted to JudgeRightly's post in the thread Maunday Thursday with Like Like.
    @Idolater @rstrats I found the show I was looking for. Bob had a guest on, Dr...
  • Derf
    Derf replied to the thread Is Faith Without Works Dead?.
    Not the kind that is dead (doesn't produce works). Paul seems to say the same, Romans 6:4 KJV — Therefore we are buried with him by...
  • Derf
    Derf replied to the thread Maunday Thursday.
    Only true if Jesus was NOT killed at the same time as the passover lambs. And I think 15 Nisan was the first day of Unleavened Bread...
  • Derf
    Derf replied to the thread If I were to become Open Theist....
    Different because Gentiles were being welcomed into the body, something no one had thought would happen. But not because Jesus didn't...
  • Derf
    Derf replied to the thread Is Faith Without Works Dead?.
    No, he's saying they are justified by faith, which produces works. Read it again. And don't forget this part: James 2:26 KJV — For as...
  • Derf
    Derf replied to the thread If I were to become Open Theist....
    Yes, Paul was consistent with Jesus and the 12. But in being consistent, he reneged on his agreement to leave the Jews to the 12, if...
  • Derf
    Derf reacted to ok doser's post in the thread A little comedy break.... with Haha Haha.
  • Derf
    Derf replied to the thread Is Faith Without Works Dead?.
    No, I don't see the problem. James was saying that faith produces works, so in that sense, Abraham was justified by works. But the sense...
  • Derf
    Derf replied to the thread Is Faith Without Works Dead?.
    James is not saying the Jews are justified by the works of the law--Abraham didn't have the law. He's saying that if your faith doesn't...
  • Derf
    Derf replied to the thread If I were to become Open Theist....
    You're judging the command by the obedience (or lack thereof). It should be the other way around.
  • Derf
    Derf replied to the thread Maunday Thursday.
    In terms of the high sabbath, it could still work for the passover to be on a Saturday (Friday evening). Christ's death would occur in...
  • Derf
    Derf reacted to Idolater's post in the thread Maunday Thursday with Like Like.
    I was thinking along the same lines, but the thing is that they ate the Passover the night in which He was betrayed, meaning the...
  • Derf
    Derf reacted to JudgeRightly's post in the thread Maunday Thursday with Like Like.
    The crucial point is that Christ was the passover Lamb. He was killed the same day that the animal lamb was being killed (probably at...
  • Derf
    He completed one of her ovum. At which point, the Second Person of the Trinity put on that human body (because human life begins at...