You seem to be getting discouraged a lot lately. That's too bad, because for a new-Agey type (I don't know what to call you), you are pretty rational, which makes you a good challenge to us Christians around here. [Nothing against you freelight, you're just difficult to understand at times.] I encourage you to try a more light-hearted approach to the debates, maybe, instead of taking things personally, as it is a shame when I open up one of your threads and find it edited away. With freewill, for example, regardless if you think you proved your point, not everyone will accept it and all you can do is "start over" with every new poster you encounter. With the posters you already sparred with on that issue, the best thing to do is to take one argument at a time, and if they say something you disagree with, try refuting their immediate argument or point out that they are assuming such-and-such, instead of trying to say "I already proved you wrong." I hope this advice finds your graces, as we don't want to lose an interesting voice around here. Remember, in practice debate is as much about emotions and fortitude as it is about intellect. God Himself could sign up, and somebody on TOL would find some way to disagree with Him.