Brother Vinny

Born in the bosom of St John, I was taken from that warm place and brought home to a Black Lab and we were fast friends. After a horrible mix-up at a KofC Pancake Breakfast, I was shipped north and raised by penguins.

May 30, 1970 (Age: 54)
Tulsa, dig it?
Bacon Taster
Religious Affiliation
Protestant Christian
Political Spectrum
Right Wing Zealot
Slogan or motto
Sola Scriptura. Sola Fide. Sola Gratia. Solus Christus. Soli Deo Gloria. Semper reformada.
A little bit more about me
After my time with the penguins came high school, where I learned various uses for underwear. I spent 1985 looking for the ladder.

My 20s were a reckless time of falling in love, going to Star Trek conventions, and trying not to grow up.
Are you a robot?


"To deny Calvinism is to deny the gospel of Jesus Christ." - Charles Spurgeon


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