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  • Well...I'm even more beloved. There's talk of a statue, but I suspect it's a ruse to get me near a pile of stones. :D

    Really good to see you though. :cheers:
    Good to see you. A lot of people have fallen away. This sort of site has been dying for a few years as the ADHD generations Twitter to themselves and a lot of the older guard have simply been to the circus and are tired of the face paint. I don't post as often or stay as long, but I'll be sad to see the old girl slip beneath the waves. I have a feeling that point is coming.
    :think: I was just trying to remember your last post...then I thought, maybe that was before I got here. :plain: :e4e:
    Okay, so I had a chuckle today listening to Sod/doser doing the inbred Southerner on the heels of a lawyer crack and it dawned on me that you'd spoken to the point a long time ago. I don't know which is funnier now, him trying it or thinking about my old reactions to it...darn near Foghorn Leghorn material. :eek: At any rate, I get it...have gotten it for a while now. And I remembered you trying to clue me in a long time ago about the internet and relating to it. I had a piece of it last year, but now I'm in the pocket. Makes everything more all we need is more people posting again. :cheers:
    Just over the Christmas break, I think. I realized that I missed a few of you more than I disliked a few of you.:chuckle:
    Hope you enjoyed it. Came by to archive a couple of things then I'm back on indefinite haitus. Limited time to invest and with the ever disapprearing thread count around here I thought I'd leave while I still feel visible. :eek: Take care of you.
    Okay, how's this...if you stick around long enough there will come a day when you realize you don't care if a solitary soul likes you or agrees with you. And on that day you will find yourself more capable of liking and listening to anyone for as long as you want than you ever thought possible and find the rest (and to some extent yourself) appreciably more amusing. :)
    Yeah, it took a while. :chuckle: Like giving up smoking, I suppose or any habit that ultimately fails to serve your best interests. :cheers:
    I'm viewing from my phone right and unable to leave a comment when I give rep.. So thought I would leave the comment here.. :D.. Your first post in the "agenda" thread cracked me up!! I laughed so hard that my coffee sprayed from my mouth all over my phone. :chuckle:.. If my phone is messed up, I'm making you pay. :plain:
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