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  • Useful? I never even contested it as an illustration. It's not a definition though. Anyway, I believe you believe that, which is another solid reason why that was the appropriate point to end the cycle.
    That's simply asking me to do what I believe has already been done...or, to my mind I've given you ample reason, concisely presented and anchored in authority. Your lack of agreement on that point is rather the whole point, a difference that certainly looks intractable, you declared willingness notwithstanding. Instead you've asked me to answer why your singular posit cannot sum the thing. The answer is simple and given prior: your posit is illustrative of one example of charity, but is insufficient for every, as evidenced by a larger example meeting those same elements of charity. Which is why a sum will have to do for us.
    I don't know...when you have two people who are certain they're right that's about all it will ever come down to, the rest being left to the folks in the stands. I suspect that's about the run of it in forum life. People come bearing opinions and if you're lucky you may move a margin here or there and sharpen your own outline on a thing while you're at it.
    Since your last post had both of our positions in it I think I'll leave it there. Seems fair enough. :e4e:
    Stripe, you are an ally of 6days who is an ally of mine. That's how it goes. If you think I'm a fruit loop, then I guess I don't know why I care at all. Thanks for everything.
    Dear Stripe,
    Well, how do you expect me to feel?? You've been on my Creation Thread as an ally for a long, long time!! 6days and I both know that, or at least, I do!! Of course, I do care, even if I say I don't care. It feels like there is a void on the Creation Thread now! C'mon, Stripe, start posting there again. It isn't the same without you. Please!!! I'm not even the owner of the Thread any more. I gave it to Patrick Jane. But I still check in every day and post, as if I still owned it, so things are working out fine, and patrick j likes that I do that. This way I have a little more time for myself and other activities. Reconsider Please!!! God Bless You Tons!!
    With Sincerity,
    Dear Stripe,

    I won't need counseling or time. I'm not that broken up about it. It's too bad that you feel this way. I'm sure that God is up there looking down upon us and He sees what I do and also, what you are doing. I will let Him decide who is being the culprit here.

    Dear Stripe,
    I only have one thread that I post on, for the most part. It's a shame you aren't being more mature about it all. I guess I should expect that.
    Dear Stripe,

    Sure do miss you posting on the Creation Thread, offering your words of wisdom and posts. I know all about how my Thread was too long, etc. It doesn't matter. It is over and done with. Start posting again. We certainly could use your help!! Godspeed!!

    God's Best For You, Michael
    Hi Amigo, Miss you posting on the Creation Thread. Come back please!! Yes, I already know all about it. Doesn't matter. So make it worth your while. God Watch Over You Carefully!! Michael
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