Not so. Not even close to being the case in anything remotely resembling reality.
That you claim there are no effective treatments is in no way resembling reality.
Every time the family of drugs like Ivermectin, HCQ, and other zinc ionophores are used in controlled environments on humans the improvement is dramatic. Way2Go has been posting the evidence consistently. You aren't paying attention to any of the evidence.
So after you look at the evidence, how many lives would have been saved in the US if we had treated patients the way
Dr. Varon treated them? Now Dr. Varon's success rate was more than double the national average, but let's just say we could only achieve 1/2 the COVID deaths because of treatments... can you calculate what the excess death numbers would have been for 2020? I'll break it down for you if you can't.
So because because a broken clock is right twice a day, you can trust the broken clock! Is that really what you think?
Hold on there Hoss. If you know the clock is broken, then there is no need to look at it at all.
I smell a bad argument on your part. Can you tell me what I'm thinking it is? I'll spell it out for you if you are the type to appreciate when he's wrong.
The bottom line is that the conspiracy theorists were right. You should be asking "how were they right?" and you'll get to the truth, because there was sound reasoning used to evaluate the conspiracy. And please don't bring up Marke. Why do you keep talking with Marke?
I've never suggested that anyone should trust the government and so what the left wants neither refutes my position nor is it even relevant to the issue of whether these vaccines are safe and effective.
They wouldn't suppress information on long term heart issues or fertility issues like they've suppressed treatments would they? You trust the government would tell the truth about that?
The vaccines were not only not the way out of this, but Israel proves the vaccines don't help at best and at worst they are worse than Sweden because of them. And don't claim that Israel has a much better death rate than the original COVID season, because their death rate is actually worse than a normal infectious disease second wave. Every season following a particularly bad flu season is also bad, but not as bad as the previous season.

Of course it does. Biden is a want-to-be tyrant. Elections have consequences.
If you want to refuse to get the vaccine as an act of civil disobedience then have at it. Just be prepared to deal with the consequences because there will be consequences. Ever thought that you suffering those consequences is the left's real agenda?
This is a good question. Since the evidence says the consequences for my demographic from COVID is less than the yearly flu on average, I'm OK with that consequence.
As far as political consequences are concerned, I'm sure the left wants me to be an outcast for not getting the jab. I might get the jab just to avoid the pressure because continuing to raise my kids to adulthood is more important. I'd risk the jab to avoid economic ruin or get poor health or poor fertility to continue to raise my kids. Threatening to take my children might be a part of the pressure that changes my mind about the jab.
So I can appreciate that you have faith in the long term safety of the vaccine. The medical engineers have a pretty good track record. But my reason for not getting the jab is logical medically, and then civil disobedience only follows from and after that.